
I have perennials all over the yard! Below is how my garden looked before I moved everything around. My perennial garden was mostly in the front yard and consisted of day-lilies and peonies mixed in with some loropetalums and nandinas. Everything was cramped into this space. It looked full but also looked disorganized and typical of a not thought out garden.

Here are my plants before the project started. I lost so many plants thanks to Greenscape guys who did very little to water my plants as they promised. The one taking center stage is creeping jenny. I am planing to buy more next year and have them drape my shade garden planting beds in my backyard.

Below is the new perennial garden. I moved it to the side of the house which I may soon regret as my neighbor's water is keeping the area damp. It has anchor bushes in the background and perennials in the front. For bushes I have ligustrum, knockout roses, a crape myrtle in the middle and ever red loropetalums.

Birch's Hybrid Bellflower -  Campanilla Birch's Hybrid
New perennial Garden

Below some of the plants I have right now.


I had this plant in my old house and love having it again. It is a no nonsense plant. 

Gerbera Drakensberg Pink

This flower is thriving right now after the abuse. It was part of the flowers that sat on pots for three months waiting for Greenscapes people to finish their never ending project. It says sun but where I have it it gets a lot of shade but it seems to be doing just fine. I will monitor it if it does not bloom as expected. It like a lot of water that is what I've noticed.
I just bought this plant recently.

I hope these come roaring back next year and perform as well as they are supposed to. They did very well while waiting for project to finish I am keeping my fingers crossed that they see next year.

I moved these from the front yard. I moved them mostly by the fire pit because they seem to be sturdy and remain green for a long time. And they they will bring some color in a somewhat dark area of the yard.
First Love Veronica
Sunny Border Blue Speedwell

Coreopsis verticillata
Love how resilient this plant is. Planted a border mixed in with yarrow.

What a trooper! This plants just wants to grow and is very thirsty!
 Below is yarrow mixed in with cereopsis!

It is spread across my yard. I am not sure if this type is a perennial in our area but I am keeping my fingers crossed that it comes back next year.

Laura Phlox

Red Riding Hood Bearded Tounge

 Scabiosa Blue
I bought this plant because I thought it was cute.

Dwarf Fothergilla

Below is a picture I found on the internet of a dwarf Fothergilla. I hope mine is as beautiful as this when it is fully grown. 

Wild Thing Autumn Sage
My neighbor has this and when I saw it at the garden center I bought four. All four are in my backyard.
They love lots of sun, I am not sure if where I've planted mine they will get enough to get those blooms. They bloom for a long time.

Icicle Speedwell

Crystal Peak Obedient Plant

Merleau Rose Salvia

Phoenix Red Penstemon

Coreopsis grandiflora

Red Riding Hood Bearded

I had calla lillies in my old house, I thought it was time to brighten my sage garden
Ruby Sensation Calla Lily

Silver Sage

Bigger view of the Silver Sage with Creeping Jenny

My Peonies have finally moved to the front.

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