Signs that we are towards the end of the project are everywhere. First Greenscape came to fix some of the issues that are outstanding. They did good job in the dry creek by edging it with eight inch stones; now grass should not flow into the dry creek.

They also tried a fix to the standing water problem. I am not convinced that what they've done is a permanent fix; time will tell. It is a very strange solution. I know band aids never work but again spring monsoons are coming and we should know soon in enough.
Second mulch was delivered this morning on time I might add. We bought it in bulk because we realized how much mulching we needed done. It looks like the 12 cubic yards that we bought aren't going to cut it. When I pulled to the driveway after work today, Hubby was hard at work spreading mulch. I did not even go inside the house I joined in. But we had to stop at around eight post meridian. Our yard lacks lighting; it was too dark. We still have a long way to go but I think we will get there. This weekend we all have tons of engagements so really there is no hope that we will be done this weekend.

They also tried a fix to the standing water problem. I am not convinced that what they've done is a permanent fix; time will tell. It is a very strange solution. I know band aids never work but again spring monsoons are coming and we should know soon in enough.
Second mulch was delivered this morning on time I might add. We bought it in bulk because we realized how much mulching we needed done. It looks like the 12 cubic yards that we bought aren't going to cut it. When I pulled to the driveway after work today, Hubby was hard at work spreading mulch. I did not even go inside the house I joined in. But we had to stop at around eight post meridian. Our yard lacks lighting; it was too dark. We still have a long way to go but I think we will get there. This weekend we all have tons of engagements so really there is no hope that we will be done this weekend.

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