Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fall Tasks

I will dismantle these drought-tolerant stone planters and reuse the stones to create a border on the side of the hose. 

This area has a mulching problem. Because it is sloped, whenever it rains, mulch washes away on the path which defeats the purpose. So, i will add a border to contain the mulch but allow for the water to go through.

The major wheeler and my heucheras  need to move to the side of the house. 
  • Dismantle stone for drought tolerant plants and create a border on the natural side garden
  • Move heucheras and hostas to the side of the house
  • Move hydrangeas next to the deck
  • Move Major Wheeler honeysuckle next to the deck.
  • Move garden moms next to Dynamite crape myrtle 
  • Move succulents next to oak trees
  • Move blueberry tree
  • Move  perennials from next to the 
  • Transplant container plants 
  • Move Yarrow to the front
  • Move liriope to shady part of the garden
  • move short bushes to the path where liriope was
  • Move razzle dazzle away from knockout roses
  • Move  one front wintergreen boxwood to the side of the house
  • Pull some weeds and cleanup
  • Clean my herb planter
  • Move my dogwood from swampy area
  • Move rhododendron to where the pink dogwood is. 
  • Move my clemantis from postbox to trallis by the garage.

What a Difference Three Years Make

First Year of Planing
Year 2
Year 3

Summer's End Ushers In Planting and Cleaning Season!

Our puppy loves to hang out with us in the garden.
It is September and we have finally hit true summer temperatures. The past few weeks have been very hot and humid. September is when summer is folding down and temperatures drop but this year it has been very hot for this time of the year.

Our July and August was unseasonably wet with more than twice the amount of rain we normally get. I am not complaining since the rain made things very easy for me. I did not have to water as much.

End of summer also ushers in the planting season namely, the  Fall/Autumn. This year I have a lot planned. I have to move many plants because the conditions they are growing under are not very conducive. Rather than fight nature I want to work with it to finally have a peace of mind.

My butterfly and hummingbird garden has to move. It is not doing well at all. Instead where I have my butterfly garden I will have drought tolerant plants.

I will move all the plants suffering under my oak trees to a shady areas in my yard where they can thrive. The good news is that I don't have to buy any plants I just have to moved them to the right place. No more hostas or honeysuckles under oak trees.

I will also solve a problem that I have in my side shade garden. A lot of mulch washes away when it rains. So, I'll build a border with some of the stones from the dry creek and from planters I had made to plant drought-tolerant flowers.

It is amazing how much my flowers have filled in the last 3 years. Some of the pictures below will reflect the changes since I started my garden.
Creeping Jenny Is Taking over, Less mulch at least

Cleaned Side Path

The side path plants have filled in

Could not be happier with our trash area

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